Wednesday, February 13, 2008

MORE J.Kidd???!!??

I haven't written for a while, in contrast to the first week I opened this blog, when I posted thrice daily. Course, I ended up erasing all of that garbage, and the lesson I took away from that was, write only when you have something to say.

I am now going to break that rule.

In fact, I am about to manufacture a post from whole cloth, conceived on the fly, as it were, as I sip horrible instant coffee at my carrel and just generally avoid any semblance of real work. Ah, the life of a 3L...its all about the bullshitting.

So, reading back on my "first" post about Jason Kidd (at least first in the sense that it hasn't yet been deleted, cuz I don't think it is horrible, though there is always room for improvement), I think part of the problem with this blog is that it is my own attempt to form whole, coherent arguments on matters of some passing interest to me, but I actually didn't, and don't, care about Jason Kidd until I started writing about him. And the post suffered for it.

Actually, to give you a little insight into my soul, I always cared about 15 thousand times more about Jimmy Jackson than Jason Kidd, despite the fact I remember reading about J.Kidd's exploits since he was a star at St. Joe's in Alameda. But man, that Jimmy! Loved that guy. And to the neophyte, the two get mentioned in the same breath because they were teammates in Dallas. Oh, and Jimmy Jackson is the all-time baddest ass journeyman in NBA history. Just so you know. God, you remember him at Ohio State? And he was the fourth pick in '92! (Not a great draft year, but not terrible...Shaq and Zo went 1-2. And then that fuck Christy Laettner). Jim Jackson could flat play, but seemed to have one of the world's shittiest attitudes.

Oh wait, was I talking about Jimmy Jackson again? Gotta stop doin that.

I think I should end this post now, while I'm still marginally ahead.

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